This yarn butler is made entirely by hand by Octopussy Shipwright shop, a Quebec craftsman, exclusively for Biscotte yarns.
This handy accessory will make it easier for you to knit with wool balls or cones. Place them on the wood yarn spindle and it will easily follow your movements, thanks to the ball bearings mechanism.
Made of solid birch, the top part is approximately ¾ "(2cm) thick by 5" (12.5cm) in diameter. The bottom part is approximately 1 "(2.5cm) thick x 6" (15cm) in diameter. The dowel is hardwood, 7 "(17.5cm) long x ¾" (2cm) in diameter. Both parts are assembled on a bearing.
You can carry the yarn butler anywhere you want to knit in your cute bag, as it is easy to disassemble.
- The assembled dimensions are: height- 22.5cm (8 ¾ "), width- 15.5cm (6 ").
- Care: Clean with a soft cloth. Do not immerse in water.
- Finish: 2 coats of teak oil, 1 layer of oil based waxes.